My lecture notes!
As mentioned, the SSP has three segments - Core lectures, departmental activities and team project. The core lecture segment is finalized with a two hour written essay exam. For the exam I decide to write one sentence about each lecture, sometimes I managed, sometimes not so much. And then was given the wonderful idea to type the notes in my blog (thanks for the extra work Christina). I'm doing it mostly for the continues and logical documentation of my experience, but everyone is welcome to them.
I must mentions that some of the notes are copied directly from the lecture presentation (each lecturer in mentioned before the note) and some are my own understanding and added knowledge. The description of the departments (I'm in SCI) is taken from the SSP14 handbook (one sentence from the department explanation). The notes are organized under the departments with my own interpretation.
I must emphasize that these are my notes and they are meant to stimulate my mind with the concepts, so some times they might not seem logical or organized.
Hopefully a real blog will be published during the weekend.
ISU Departments
Space Applications (SCI) -
Exploring space technologies and their scientific benefits and societal applications.
Space Engineering (ENG) -
Understanding each level of system design, integration and testing as complexity increases from components to subsystems to spacecraft to space mission.
Human Performance in Space (HPS) -
Addressing the biological, physiological and medical changes that are unique to human spaceflight.
Space Humanities (HUM) -
Seeking to explore the cultural motivation for space activities.
Space Management and Business (MGB) -
Understanding how space technologies and ideas can be transformed into viable companies.
Space Policy, Economics and Law (PEL) -
Discussing the way decisions are made in the political arena, space agencies and space companies.
Space Sciences (SCI) -
Introducing the principles, concepts, tools and techniques necessary to investigate and understand the environment.
My notes |
Rationale for Space
Lec 1. - Jim Dator - Dreams, Rockets, Revelries & Jobs -
Three reasons for space - The industrial revolution, rockery and competitive national prestige.
Lec 2. - Bob Thirsk - What has Space Brought Us? -
SCI (space sciences), ENG (engineering solutions), APP (used applications), HUM (goals & dreams), MGB (commercial space services), HPS (medical sciences and solutions), PEL (tool for policies).
Lec 3. - John Logsdon - Why are We in Space? -
Government rationales - Security, prestige, science+technology.
Commercial rationales - Cheaper/better than terrestrial.
Lec 8. - Jim Dator - Futures Studies and Space Futures -
Futures inverted pyramid - Futurist, planner, administrator.
Four types of futures - Grow, collapse, discipline, transform.
Lec 16. - Jim Dator - Cultural Rationales -
All rationales for space activities are cultural rationales.
Lec 20. - John Logsdon - The Evolution of Space Activities -
Competition was, and perhaps still is, a major influence for large space programs. But, co-operations may be the only way to achieve major space goals in the future.
Lec 24. - Patrick Cohendet - Economic Rationales for Space -
Private motivation = Markets, Public motivation = Public goods.
Space Policy and Law
Lec 4. - Lucy Stojak - Legal Underpinnings of Space Activities -
International law is relevant to states, national law is relevant to people, companies and
space agencies. International laws and treaties are used as guidelines for national laws (at least in principle).
Lec 19. - David Kendal & Lucy Stojak - To ensure that all humanity can continue using outer space for peaceful purposes. Major issues are space weather (uncontrollable and at the moment unpredictable) and space debris (which have no legal definition).
Lec 23. - John Logsdon - Government Space Activities -
The space club is made of countries that have a collective space capability to develop, launch and control satellites. Space agency activities may include - Work with other government bodies to mange space budget, policy and activity, advocate space, make sure space activity is consistent with national policy and law, international collaboration, space education, conduct space research, development and testing, as well as space missions.
Lec 25. - Stojak + Patrick Cohendet - Technology Transfer and Export Control -
Four types of tech transfers - Pre-productive tech within organization, creative tech within organization, pre-productive tech between organizations, creative tech between organizations. When moving tech to other organizations some IP and ITAR issues might arise. Why export control? - National security, prevent proliferation, restrict export to adversaries\rogue countries, traceability.
Lec 29. - John Logsdon - International Cooperation in Space -
Benefits - Increased payoff, sharing cost, needed access, helping international status and relationships.
Risks - Dependencies, increase overall cost, complex, security risk.
Space Businesses
Lec 13. - Chris Sallaberger - Management of Space Projects -
The coordination of resources to achieve a goal within a time frame. When planing a project it's important to remember the operations stage.
Lec 15. - Peeters & Sallaberger - Financial Issues & Techniques -
Money now is better than money later (discount). Investors during project life - Founders -> Angles/venture capitalists -& private equity/common stock.
Lec 34. - Chris Sallaberger - Business Structures and Panning -
Corperations are the most common model. A business plan is very important for any idea and only the summary will be read and evaluated.
Lec 35. - Chris Stott - Entrepreneurial Space -
Entrepreneurs are (calculated) risk takers - before you "start-up" - stop, think, listen then ACT.
Lec 45. - Ken Davidian - Analysing Commercial Space -
There is a broad spectrum of dependence of space companies on government. New companies may try to replace old ones or open new markets.
Lec 51. - Gary Martin - New Space -
Space activities (mostly commercial) that are not lead by conventional space operators - agencies\military.
Lec 54. - Gary Martin - Disruptive Technologies -
Disruptive technology is mostly not refined compared to exciting tech but its potential helps it advance util it replaces the old. Will usually not be addressed by exciting market players.
Space and Humans
Lec 5. - Gilles Clément - Human Performance in Space -
Human spaceflight in LEO is more or less understood and sorted, human spaceflight to farther destinations is not there yet.
Lec 22. - Gilles Clément - Life Support Systems
Major life support systems functions - Atmosphere control, temperature control, water and food management, waste management, crew safety. Considerations when designing mission LSS (open/closed loop) are mission duration and equipment mass.
Lec 33. - Gilles Clément - Human Adaptation and countermeasures -
Weightlessness affects muscles and bones. Countermeasures include exercise, food complements and gravity simulation means.
Lec 39. - Gilles Clément - Neuroscience in Space -
Weightlessness affects instincts, but is mostly manageable.
Lec 47. - Gilles Clément - Space Psychology -
Isolation, confinement, the micro-g and a versatile (3Is) crew all require a crew selection that would allow for the space mission to be successful.
Lec 48. - John Connolly - Space Habitability -
When designing a space habitat the human crew should be in the center of the design and all other design aspects should be extrapolated from it.
Lec 50. - Gilles Clément - The Heart in Space -
Three main stages for the heart in spaceflight - Launch, orbit and after landing. The heart pushes fluids towards the head, so pressure is higher and permanent eye damage might occur.
Lec 53. - Gilles Clément - Space Medicine -
Care chain - Prevent -> Diagnose -> Treat -> Stabilize -> Transport -> Dedicated care medical facility.
Space Engineering
Lec 6. - Tarik Kaya - Orbital Mechanics -
Newton's laws + Kepler's laws = Satellites don'y fly, they fall with style.
Lec 14. - Tarik Kaya - Orbital Applications -
Special orbits - Sun-Sync, Molniya/Tundra, Geo. For Geo orbits - station keeping, for other orbits - orbit control.
Lec 30. - Alex Ellery - Space Robotics -
Space robotics is a tool to reduce barriers to spaceflight (price. safety, complexity(~)). "Where robots have trod, humans will follow".
Lec 31. - Tarik Kaya - Space Propulsion -
A rocket - a momentum exchange device. Without rockets there will be no spaceflight.
Lec 32. - Andrew Aldrin - Commercial Launch -
Heavy launcher business has a few players (1-2 for big countries), and they have/had some government support. SpaceX might change the market (if successful).
Lec 37. - Tarik Kaya - Spacecraft Configuration -
Space mission elements - crew, ground, launch, space segment, orbit. Spacecraft includes payload, bus and adapter. Many configurations can achieve same results. Mass and power budgets are important.
Lec 38. - Angie Buckley - Attitude & Orbit Determination & Control -
Most satellites needs to be controlled both in attitude and orbit.
Lec 40. - Tarik Kaya - Spacecraft Power and Thermal Control -
The sun radiates about 1370 Watts of power to a satellites, the Earth adds about 240 Watts. This power is used for energy and heating but is also bad for low temp operating systems.
Lec 43. - Angie Buckley - Spacecraft Structure & Testing -
Spacecraft structures must provide strength, stiffness and stability.
Lec 44. - John Connolly - Space Systems Engineering -
Mission statements are qualitative, they lead to mission objectives and requirements which must be measurable (quantitative).
Lec 46. - John Connolly - Space Mission Design -
A well defined mission statement could lead to many different mission designs that meet the same goals. Mass, cost and risk are very important factors in the design.
Space Applications
Lec 7. - Scott Madry - Intro to Space Applications -
Three main uses for space - Telecom, PNT and remote sensing. All are 'dual use' applications.
Lec 10. - Scott Madry - Intro to Rmote Sensing -
Remote sensing is more of public good (+ dual use) than a commercial business (even for commercial satellites the biggest costumer is government - 82%).
Lec 11. - Su-Yin Tan - Digital Image Processing -
Input -> Processing -> Display -> Analysis -> Output and applications.
Lec 12. - Scott Madry - Future of Remote Sensing -
"From photons to electrons to neurons to actions".
We need collaboration in remote sensing. The future holds better tech, on demand launch/view (dual use) and integrated multilayered systems.
Lec 41. - Scott Madry - Intro to Space Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) -
A valued service for everyone on the planet with special applications in research, search and rescue, timing for computer systems...
Lec 42. - Scott Madry - Current and Future Trends of PNT -
Many nations have or are achieving this ability for dual-use and government reasons.
Lec 49. - Joseph Pelton - Space Telecommunications -
Geo telecom sats are basically really tall relay antennas.
Lec 52. - Joseph Pelton - Commercial Satellite Communication -
Biggest space industry, three types of services - Fixed, mobile and broadband. Spectrum allocation is a major issue.
Space Sciences
Lec 9. - David Kenall - The Electromagnetic Spectrum -
The spectrum is really broad, we now how to use a lot of it both passively and actively, but we're running out of spectrum to broadcast in to.
Lec 17. - Jim Green - The Sun -
Our Sun is a second generation star, it has several layers ans a 22 (2*11) year cycle due to difference between the layers rotations, this leads to solar activity, The Sun interacts with the planets, type of interactions depends on planet's atmosphere and magnetosphere (or lack of).
Lec 18. - Jeff Hoffman - The Space Environment -
Two types of radiation on Earth - Cosmic rays and solar wind, they are inverted in relation (when reaching the Earth) because the solar activity (radiation and magnetic) pushes the cosmic rays (mostly in active solar periods). Both have a bad influence on satellites, but cosmic rays are more energetic. The Earth's magnetosphere protects us and the LEO environment (to some extant), it also forms the Van-Allen belts.
Lec 21. - Jeff Hoffman - Microgravity -
Best wording is
weightlessness. ISS and predecessors perform micro-g experiments in chemistry, physics and physiology\biology.
Lec 26. - Jim Green - Life Cycle of Stars -
Nebula -> Star in cluster -> closed/open cluster -> red giant/red supergiant -> planetary nebula\supernova -> white dwarf\neutron star\black hole -> brown dwarf\cooled neutron star\black hole.
The heaviest elements (heavier than Fe) are made in supernovae and massive supernovae.
Lec 27. - Jim Green - Solar Systems -
There are more planets then stars and the planet types are on a contentious spectrum. Every solar system has a habitable zone with regards to temperature. The problem with M-type systems (75+% of stars) is that the habitable zone is so close that there's a lot of radiation from the star and most likely the planet is in tidal look.
Lec 28. - Wendell Mandell - The Moon and Mars -
The Moon and Mars are examples to what would have happened to the Earth if it had no atmosphere and no liquid core which provides a magnetosphere. Venus is an example for what would have happened to the Earth if it had too much of an atmosphere. And Mercury is an example of what would have happened to the Earth if it was in a tidal lock.
Lec 36. - Marcus Dejmek - Space Station Research -
Five members in ISS (US, Russia, Europe, Japan, Canada). It has a political purpose in collaboration. Research on weightlessness, human physiology, the Earth and Space.
Lec 55. - Giovanni Fazio - Origin and Future of the Universe -
The universe is homogeneous and isotropic, it is expanding due to powers we don't quite understand - dark energy and dark matter which are not the same.
Lec 56. - Alain Berinstain - Astrobiology -
Life as we know it needs liquid water and a source of energy.
Good Luck on the Exam!