Wednesday, June 4, 2014

So, I'm off to space camp

Testing, testing, one, two, three...

So, I'm off to space camp! Actually, it's the International Space University Space Studies Program held this year in Montreal, Canada (ISU SSP14 -
I didn't even think I'll get in, I handed in the application on the last day possible and the same for the Ilan Ramon Scholarship application for the tuition. But somehow, here I am, counting the minutes I still have with Yotam and writing a blog instead of doing something with ourselves (it's ok, he was playing a computer game up until now).

So, I'm off to space camp! I have some idea what to expect, but actually didn't have much time to think about how it's going to be for me. I'm going there to learn about the different space activities done around the world and the processes that lead to these activities, so hopefully one day I'll be able to lead some of them as well. I'm also hoping to meet people from all around the globe that work in space disciplines other than my satellite GNC (Guidance, Navigation & Control). And maybe, have just a bit of fun along the way.

So, I'm off to space camp! And this is my attempt to document my voyage, maybe it will work and maybe I'll give up by week two, who knows.

So, I'm off to space camp! Keep in touch,


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